Internet bazaar
Today on the Internet, one can find almost everything.... You can search for travel stories, products anywhere in the world - anything you can think of right now is exposed on the Internet. Among its many users have been created sources of information, sales and exhibition; we only need a few clicks to find our precious treasure. George For defined this phenomenon of collective intelligence as "the ability of human communities to evolve towards greater complexity of order and harmony, through such innovation mechanisms as differentiation and integration, competition and collaboration."
The “miracle”
The latest trend is to check online for potential symptoms of an illness. The creator of the Dilbert comic strip said on his personal website that Google was able to reveal the cure of their disease.

The famous cartoonist years ago began to suffer from a neurological disorder that caused his involuntary muscle spasms in the hand that drew, and was diagnosed as 'focal dystonia'. Then he had another disorder associated with the voice that prevented him from speaking normally, and it was not diagnosed by their physicians. Adams had the idea that both conditions could be related, so he typed 'vocal dysphonia' on Google, founding a link to a video in which another person with the same defect voice said his illness, calling it 'Espamódica dysphonia" This diagnosis was later confirmed, and the artist began to receive the recommended treatment for this condition (Botox into the vocal cords), but just did not succeed in his voice. Then, a year ago, Adams decided to use the service 'Google Alerts' so that it will alert you of any new document that appeared on the WWW (which was tracked by the Googlebot) that contained the term “Espamódica dysphonia". Over the time he received a warning from Google in which there was a doctor with a report published on a new and rare surgical procedure to treat this disease.
The artist took the item to his doctor, who recommended him to visit an expert from Stanford University, which in turn referred him to a renowned surgeon at the University of California, which was operated following a similar procedure found on Google, and now Adams is fully recovered. "I would have never found this surgeon without Google Alerts," said the creator of Dilbert. This story, which seems rather out of a book of miracles, is challenging if the doctors are the only ones to resolve the disease. No doubt about the professional experience of the doctors, but for those diseases with no solution, when the doctor gives up helping us because he sees no solution. Would not it be better to try for ourselves to find our own answer?
That is what is asked in November 2005, by the parents of a child who had very abnormal symptoms in the world of allergies, whose diagnosis was obtained in the search by entering keywords related to their ailments.
"Google Health, new era"
Even in December 2006, a prestigious medical journal recommended to use Google to find difficult diagnoses, and only a few months ago the service 'Google Health' was created, specifically with the purpose of helping users find much more information about illness and medical issue concerns. The group that is against this self-medication argues that the cases which have found a solution on the Internet are in fact very few and far between - there are only avtually a few lucky, isolated cases of success compared to the number of people who rely on this method of diagnosis. But you can reflect on a concept: what happens when the collective knowledge is poured into the network, taken with due caution and performed by those with the correct training and experience, far beyond what you can learn in even a specialist course in a subject.

Tom Atlee and George established a group theory of artificial intelligence which stated that "collective intelligence members trust their own abilities and recognize that everything is actually greater than the sum of individual parts." There is a difference however, with regard to those that substitute a hypothetical doctor´s diagnosis via Internet. In such cases, there is often neglect, or one may fall into a deep hypochondria. But in cases where the doctor does not offer any solution, in which we have visited thousands of hospitals, here the internet can be a powerful tool. We have found out about prescriptions in other countries where domestically, none can offer a solution. In such cases, doctors are people, and as such can make mistakes and not monitor all the solutions in the world. The truth is that when people compile their knowledge of solutions, we can use the best of the correct answers.
Knowing our bodies, and what can cause us all sleepless nights ... if you can do something to avoid it, why not investigate? After all, we all have nothing to lose by trying. Jeff Jarvis, a former media executive, has written a law about users: "Give the people control of the media, who will use it." The corollary: "Do not give people control of media, and be lost. Whenever citizens can exercise control, they will".
How does the collective intelligence operate?
This means we must have our actual experiences, and share them step by step as we have carried out the treatment. Lying just get people to have false hope is a potential avenue of abuse in this system and night generate a sense of hypochondria. One of the key steps is to share; it is useless for us to know something that can help others if we do not tell it to them, or even if a certain product/treatment may be harmful.
Multinational companies should not only profit from the products, but should have its main base of support as the medical products used to help people, and not get their money. And finally, the global action, "the influence of the Internet is widespread, therefore a globally integrated enterprise that knows no geographical boundaries, but has global connections, allowing access to new markets, ideas and technologies. The medical issues are not only limited in our country but we can see them in any country in the world. Which means if you use that knowledge in a clear and respectful manner, our knowledge about medical concerns is unlimited. It is true that a doctor can not expect their patients to not consult on the Internet, because if the topic is important, curiosity has no limits and it causes many uncertainties as to not resort to a source of information as accesible as Curley Internet.
Tom, CEO of the Associated Press, has explained to his people: "The users are deciding what is the point of their commitment: that is what their demand, the device, what time, what place." "The audience is active, not sit and wait" Mar said Thompson as director general of the BBC, so we no longer find our disease has no cure, is the theory. But we prefer to seek our own solution to the problem, although we believe we can find anyone on the Internet. Dave Winer, one of the founders of blogs, said in 1994: "Once the users take control, never give it back."
The duty of doctors
A medical professional must be able to explain to their patients beyond doubt and make them understand that sometimes the Internet can help, but also that sometimes contradictory information may disrupt your diagnosis or treatment. So the better idea than to look for information on the Internet would be to seek a second opinion from another physician. What has happened? Only that knowledge treasured by the professional, is now in the network, in almost a revised and expanded edition. Surrounded by garbage, no doubt: a lot of rubbish, all kinds of bad-intentioned and malicious information, from charitable to commercial purposes, written by people from all sources, from specialists to healers or Santeria.
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