During the last 22 to 24 of March it was celebrated the PAX EAST 2013, an event of gaming culture and community that annually hosts the city of Boston. And it year Blizzard, the famous video games company, had announced that it went to present a new and different game to what we are used to or what they had been able to see before. Blizzard just said there would be no further expansion or sequel to the different franchises that already have.
Finally and after
a lot of rumors the new game was revealed: HearthStones, a
new online strategy game of collectible cards that expands the Warcraft
universe. The game aims to be a casual game but that involves a great strategy breaking with the traditional format of Blizzard. It is inspirited in old card
games like Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh or Jyhad but with the graphics and epic quality which we are
accustomed to the company.
The game will be “Free
to Play” mode and you can use
up to 9 heroes that
correspond to nine World of Warcraft classes, will have 300 different cards available and are able to earn and buy packs
of 5 cards that
will open online at a special interface. There will also be five letter grades:
common (white), rare
(blue), epic (purple) or Legendary (orange) and
have the possibility that anyone
can improve and become the
golden version of it. Cards that have duplicate
may be disenchanted and have a very comprehensive tool for making new ones from
these plus a full deck creator online, with
many functions to control generic
letters and special from every
hero. It may compete 1 vs 1 online
through battle.net matches well made
play against the program. The Hearthstone beta is
planned for this summer and is
said to be released before year end.
With this new format Blizzard looking to expand their gaming experience
and also enter the world of tablets that are currently
experiencing expansion as the game is perfect to
suit tactile platforms. After books, physical
card games, table games, television advertisements and the announcement of a movie, even now Blizzard
wide transmedia experience
in the world ofWarcraft doing this accessible from a
variety of points.
The video game company continues to base its transmedia
strategy on two pillars, first a continuous expansion
and improvement of its games, as
we see with the constant expansions of its franchises, and second to maintain an
active community of players thanks
to its multiple forums and
group pages of
news and information as Wowhead.
With 10.5 million subscribers, World of Warcraft is
the game online with the largest user registry and keeps the Guinness Record
for the most popular
It also has one of the most active player communities inside and outside the game and create a steady stream of comments on the official
Blizzard forums and fan sites where players
create their own guidelines
for all aspects of the game and kept informed of the
latest news, comments from Blizzard employees and all
rumors about new content for the game. You could even consider that World of Warcarft
has a crowdsourcing community as they are the
users who create many contained in this great
collective culture.
Blizzard continues with this new game with the
expansion of the convergence culture, like Henry Jenkins says, understood as the
free flow of content across multiple media platforms and which depend greatly on the active participation of consumers.
We don´t have to understand the convergence only as a technological process, it
represents also a cultural change because it encourages
consumers to find new information
and make connections among dispersed media content.
I´m sure that Blizzard has created this game firstly thinking to play with
tablets and that get a great success like its others games. All the game
community already waiting anxiously.
Alejandro Godoy Calvo
Tylko u nas klucze hearthstone a nawet do hearthstone klucze closed beta . Mamy mnóstwo ich, więc jeśli potrzebujesz klucz hearthstone beta wejdz do nas na http://mmohack.pl !