Sunday, April 14, 2013

The increase of importance of the right-wing-sphere to control the web in France

The alternating of political power is not only in the ballot box, but it's also present on internet. The « left-wing-sphere » always dominate the culture influence on internet - but since 2012 year, particulary with the election of the socialist François Hollande, during the last election - the « right-wing-sphere » develops his influence on the web, blogs and social networks. These blogs, facebook pages are created by politcal militants or, now by sympathisers. And the « left-wing sphere » don't know if they must hold up the president or criticize him, when it's necessary, even thoug during the mandate of Nicolas Sarkozy, this bloggers pointed to criticize him.

The Linkfluence institute establish for 5 years, an annual cartography about the french « blogosphere ». This cartography shows the domination of the websites, blogs of the left-wing, that represent 46% of this card, but this number recoils a little. This card is interesting to see the increases of the extrem-right, which represent 14% of the map. But the most interesting is the rises of the right-wing on internet. We can explain that, because of the election of the socialist François Hollande, which wake up the politcal militant and sympathiser of the right-wing.

In fact, since the 6 of May, a lot of sympathiser and militant create a lot of blogs, websites, facebook pages or join an organization. The website Opposition républicaine (republican opposant), which its create by two managers know a lot of frequentation. This website publish 6 or 7 articles for a day, that's why, in only 8 months, there are more than 1 million visitors ; we can remain this website is amateur. Mister Degioanni, the manager of the website be inspired by the left wing culture on militancy, because for him, the left-wing has a militancy culture contrary to the right-wing. He explains the development of the « right-wing-sphere » because of the discontentment of many people, this displeasure is more low when the right-wing is in the power.

This website publishes only serious analysis, but there are a lot of other websites which criticizes the President François Hollande in every point, because of his physical, his crooked tie, her partner, the « Anti-hollandism » is similar to the « Anti-Sarkozysm » during the last mandate. Sideline, to the classical right-wing party – Union for a popular movement – an other tendancy comes into being, it's the right-sympathiser, wich shares activites on website with the left and the right-extrem, to develop the debate.
If we attend the reweaken of the right, the left-wing doesn't find a way or solution, after the succes at the presidential election.Get used to the place of the opposition, the « left-wing sphere » doesn't find a place in the new majority. Furthermore, the first measure of the President François Hollande haven't like by many left-wing electors.
This importance and developement of the presence of the right-wing on internet shows up for a few months in France with the bill for introduce the homosexual mariage in France. We can constate the development of many associations, blogs, websites and groups or pages on social networks for mobilize the opponent of this project. Indeed, with the social networks particulary, the opponents arrive to mobilize in the street between 300.000 people to 1.3 millions people according to the sources. And now, they create one event for one day to disrupt the displacement of the members of the governement, in all of the french region. After the starting mobilization of the right-wing, the « left-wing sphere » but with a lot of existing structure, they try to mobilize the supporter of the mariage homosexual. So now, the two opponents mobilize with the website and particulary with the social networks for a lot of demonstration in th street or sit-in. And all of this demonstration is possible thanks to the blogs and the social networks. For instance, the opponents of this bill create an event on facebook, one day before, and arrive to mobilize 5000 people in one day. It's more or less the same case for the supporters of this project.
The election of François Hollande was the triggering factor for the development of the « right-wing sphere » on internet. So, the left and right-wing now, understand the importance of the politcal presence on internet 2.0, that's why we'll observe a veritable war on internet between those opponents
Alexandre MOUSTAFA

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