The expression of the Marshall
Islands McLuhan, the "Global village ", written in his book The Medium is the message published in
1967, is a fantasy anchored in the mentalities today. However, as in the
economic or political domain, all the regions of the world are not equal. So,
the world is not uniformly connected. The United States, the Western Europe and
Japan are the main spaces of connection. Also, all the giants of Internet, all
the big companies, are situated in California. Moreover, the ICANN, the
institution which controls most of the domain names, obeys the Californian laws
and, until 2009, it authorized only the use of Latin characters to create websites.
Here is our first paradox. Indeed, the language the
most used among the Internet users is the Chinese, because there are today more
than 500 million users in China. It is the most connected country, and this
trend is going to increase, because the government invests some billions euro every
year in order to develop the new technologies, in particular those about the
national information. Indeed, if internet in China developed enough late in
comparison to other countries, its upgrade was fast and spectacular. The
Chinese government played a large part in this process, by protecting the
internal market thanks to a systematic censorship of the foreign competitors.
However, we can see in China an other paradox about
internet: the contradiction, the paradox, between the progress of the
public-spirited contents on the web, and the important censorship organized by
the government. Indeed, there is in this country a "police of the Internet
" which hires between 30 000 and 40 000 agents: these peoples have to
close certain web sites, direct the debates in different forums, and denounce
some Internet users.

internet, because of the censored press, controlled by the political power.
This is why the surveillance of the network is
permanent. However, if it is not too complicated for a government to close a
website, it is not the same with comments on social networks. The users, thanks
to their "like" and shared and re posted «tweets”, already allow very
numerous information sources to pass through the censorship. Furthermore, a lot
of Chinese are using GG, the “national MSN Messenger”, which complicates the
control of the contents.

This increase of the
censorship in China shows the anxiety and the powerlessness of the government
towards the new media. The power felt in danger in front of this wave of
speculations and rumors, which intervenes few months before the 18th Congress
of the Communist Party, which has to allow a politicians' new generation to
reach the power for around ten years. Furthermore, the Chinese leaders followed
with a lot of anxiety the wave of the Arabic revolutions last year in which
Internet and the social networks played an essential role.
Consequently, the situation
of internet in China is very paradoxical, as the situation of the economic
domain: between liberalism and communism, between freedom and censorship, it is
a country which is changing and which knows the instability.
But in this period, the questions of access to the
information and to Web are going to become crucial. Indeed, the loss of
information because of to the censorship will soon prevent the development of
an economy. Thus, in China, all the professionals who are working in this sector,
already use paying services to by-pass the censorship.
The overtaking of the
Chinese censorship has already begun. Indeed, in front of the complexity of the
current system, a whole generation of creative young people is ready to defend its
rights and its liberties.
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